Initial goal statement

Spring 2009

My purpose for applying to the PhD in Education program with a specialization in Instructional Technology at George Mason University is three fold. First, I would like to learn more about the role of technology based instruction in the motivation of learners. Second, I would like to investigate the effects of technology based instruction on the academic achievement of language learners. And third, I would like to become a college professor and a consultant in educational settings especially in developing countries where technology has not yet been applied in instruction.

Technology Based Instruction and Learner Motivation

After taking the Principles of Learner Motivation class in CEHD’s Educational Psychology Masters program, I became more aware of the role of motivation in academic achievement and success in one’s career. Motivation is highly correlated with an individual’s previous successes or failures, constructive feedback from surrounding people, vicarious experiences, and the challenge of the tasks that a person is presented with. Motivation is critical in online learning which is a new, continuously growing topic. It presents many advantages to the learner, but it is challenging for some people.

In Fall 2009, I took an online Instructional Design course for the first time in my academic studies. It was a new and challenging experience and I noticed that it requires a lot more self-regulation than taking a face-to-face (f2f) course. . For example, in f2f instruction, the student comes to class every week having read the required material and is ready for class discussion. The teacher’s role in class is to facilitate the student’s understanding of the subject matter and provide more extensive information and experience sharing. Additionally, the role of the teacher in the f2f interaction is essential because it motivates students to stay on track and keep up with the assignments and readings. .

My experience in the online course revealed both advantages and disadvantages. . On one hand, I experienced quality learning through the case studies that we analyzed and the readings, and I learned that learning can be effectively achieved through online learning. On the other hand, I compared this experience with previous courses and noticed the importance of having face-to-face interactions with the instructors and the ability to easily discuss any issue related to the field with them. At some points, online learning de-motivated me to continue the course but then I had to exercise a lot more self-regulation to stay focused on the course work and motivated until I got used to this process.

The differences in learner motivation and self-regulation between online and f2f courses drove my curiosity to investigate the role of learner motivation in technology based instruction. The PhD in Education program at George Mason University will assist me in identifying the basic factors that would motivate or de-motivate learners and in suggesting solutions or tutorials to overcome basic disadvantages in the field of e- learning.

Technology Based Instruction and Language Learning

Being a language teacher for nine years now, I have experimented with several teaching methods to assist my students in learning ESL and the Arabic language in a more effective way. Exposing students to the language via videos, audio tapes and CDs, and power point presentations and using constructivist teaching methods proved to be very effective. Through the exposure to the target language from different resources, the students succeeded in constructing meaning and creating their own rules.

In some cases, language learners feel bored listening to an instructor using the target language. Furthermore, in that case, they are exposed to the language through only one source. Learners enjoy learning the language through multimedia materials that depict authentic and real life situations. For example, PPT presentations that have visual effects or well built software that contains an interactive tutorial and guides the students step by step through the learning process can be very effective. I have used these processes and methods in my own teaching and my students have expressed the advantages of these learning tools in such a way that they can replay them and practice more the dialect and the language.

Research has proven the positive effects that technology has on language learning. I would like to deepen my understanding in this area and measure the level of fluency achieved through the use of different instructional technologies.  In addition, I would like to compare and contrast the effectiveness of language learning through educational software such as “PROPOW2 Deluxe” as opposed to classroom instruction.

Future Goals

Becoming a college professor and a consultant in developing countries where technology has not yet found its way in education are my major goals and drivers for completing a PhD in education.

As a college professor I will be given the chance to influence future generations by acquiring research grants and working on projects that would contribute to the field of instructional design in particular and to the field of education in general. Throughout the instruction design course that I took in Fall 2009, I learned that education is essential in any field and that well planned instruction is the key to success for both corporate and academic settings. It is very effective to find solutions for prevailing problems in an organization rather than blaming it all on employees when they are not provided with the necessary support from specialists. Hence, instructional design is a building block for every successful work and educational setting.

Furthermore, I would like to become an educational consultant in developing countries where computers, video, audio, and software are not used yet for instructional purposes. I believe that students who are not exposed to technology based instruction are missing a lot and they could contribute to their countries’ development if their educational systems develop. As a consultant, I would be given the chance to enhance education in such countries by recommending technology based instructional solutions. The world is developing and everything is becoming technology based, so for the world to unite, there should be a unified educational system that raises well educated and up to date citizens.

To fulfill my goals and research interests, I find the PhD in Education program at George Mason University to be a perfect setting to meet my objectives. In addition to the education and specialization courses that it offers, there are specific faculty members at the CEHD such as Dr. Nada Dabbagh, Dr. Brenda Bannan, and Dr. Michelle Buehl whose current research areas align with my interests, and who have attributed a lot to the field of education.  I have already had contact with the faculty members in the Instructional Technology department through the EDIT 705 course that I took in Fall 2009 and the EDIT 732 Advanced Instructional Design course that I am enrolled in this Spring. Those two courses have deepened my interest in the field even more.

I hope I will get the opportunity to pursue my doctoral studies at George Mason University to further my skills and build on my knowledge.