EDIT 730


Capstone course of three-course sequence on theory and practice of instructional design. Helps students apply ideas developed in prior courses to complete major instructional design project. Covers leading-edge ideas in evolution of instructional design.


This course added a pedagogical approach to the Instructional Design strategies that we learned in the EDIT 705 course. Coming from an Educational Psychology major, this course connected my knowledge about learning theories and pedagogical models to the field of ID. It even introduced me to new constructivist-based pedagogical in technology supported learning environments. It was a good exploration of situated learning, microworlds, simulations, cognitive apprenticeships, virtual learning environments, and problem-based learning. Moreover, this course introduced me to different instructional strategies that are effective in online learning environments.  The products of this course were online discussions, a compare and contrast assignment of two technology supported learning environments that use different learning paradigms, and designing a prototype of a constructive learning environment in which I use Cognitive Apprenticeship as the pedagogical model and Articulate as a program to develop my presentation. A final paper that elaborated on Constructivism in general and Cognitive Apprenticeship in particular added more grounds to my final project.

Online Environment Project Proposal


Final Paper- Constructivism and Cognitive Apprenticeship

Compare and Contrast Assignment

In sum, I exited this course with firm grounds on the differences between face to face and online learning. It also presented to me an understanding of challenges faced by both instructors and students in online learning environments. As a scholar, I would like to understand the structure on online environments more and understand motivational strategies that lead to retention.